A film about the past, the future, and the possibility of changing everything.
'My name is Helen Trollmann. I am your daughter. I come from the future. And I am going to shoot you.'
With these words, Kai Trollmann's night begins—a night that could change his future forever.
The story follows Kai, a young man who misses the last train at a subway station one night, only to encounter his future daughter shortly after. She plans to kill him before he can even conceive her, as he is destined to meet her mother on the first train the following morning. Bound by a shocking realization, they are forced to spend the remaining hours together until the first train arrives—Kai and his uncertain future, Helen and the past she shares with her father, and a present that holds the potential to change everything.
A feature film by Gero Brötz & Marcus Veith.
My role in the project: colorist, lighting assistant, camera grip, and set photographer.